August 22, 2016


WEConnect International is partnering with Global Citizen to inspire corporations and everyday consumers to buy products and services #OwnedByWomen.

As part of its annual festival, Global Citizen is offering you a chance to win tickets by taking action to help solves some of the world’s biggest challenges. You can choose from a range of actions that earn you points. Please sign our petition calling on influential companies to support women-owned businesses!


Girls and women represent 70% of the world’s extreme poor. While this is due to a variety of reasons, one of the most basic is that they lack access to the opportunities and assets necessary to move up the economic ladder. Increasing women’s economic opportunity and income directly reduces poverty globally, as women reinvest the majority of their income back into their families and communities.

Empowering women to start and grow businesses leads to job creation, economic development, and healthier, better-educated and more sustainable communities. The more women-owned businesses there are in a country, the more that country can grow and prosper.

Yet despite this, of the trillions of dollars spent by large corporations and governments on suppliers every year, only 1% goes to women suppliers globally. In order for women to enter global supply chains and fully participate in the economy, we need the support of influential global companies to set a precedent.

Take Action!

As Global Citizens, we want to support women owned-businesses and the companies that source from them. That is why we are calling on you to source more products and services from women suppliers, especially in developing countries.

Together we can give women entrepreneurs around the world a fair chance to make a living and pull themselves and their communities out of poverty.

Sign the Petition.