June 9, 2020


The Amazon Mindset Webinar Series aims to provide training and information to women business owners, and enable them to find new opportunities and strategies with which to grow their businesses. The most recent installment of this series occurred on 27 May, when WEConnect International in Nigeria hosted the webinar “Doing Business with the United Nations.”

The United Nations Procurement Division provides business advice, as well as procurement services, to UN headquarters, other UN organizations, and peacekeeping missions, and has over $18 billion in annual procurement spending. WEConnect International supports its partner, the United Nations Procurement Division, in its goal to increase its purchasing from women in Africa and in more than 100 countries around the world.

Two senior procurement professionals from the Office of Supply Chain Management led the webinar and demystified the process of registering as a UN supplier. Mika Kitagami, the Chief of Vendor Registration and Outreach, and Isabelle Dupuy, the Procurement Officer and Team Leader, both presented about the procedure. The illuminating presentation covered an array of topics including the steps of selling to the UN, the tender process, and vendor registration. A Q&A session followed the presentation, which allowed the business owners the opportunity to discuss how their own businesses may collaborate with the UN Procurement Division, and to speak directly with Ms. Kitagami and Ms. Dupuy. Over 140 people attended the webinar, from 24 countries and 18 states in Nigeria. Becoming a vendor for the United Nations Procurement Division presents an opportunity to form a valuable relationship with an esteemed organization, and the webinar provided an introduction to connecting more women-owned businesses to the Procurement Division.


Mika Kitagami

Chief, Vendor Registration and Outreach
Enabling and Outreach Service, Office of Supply Chain Management
Department of Operational Support



Isabelle Dupuy
Procurement Officer
United Nations Procurement Division
Office of Supply Chain Management
New York, NY USA