
Success Story Application – Members

WEConnect International wants to hear from you! We are excited to share your success story but need a little information from you to provide to our Editorial Board. We regret that we may not be able to publish all of your wonderful stories but will let you know the outcome from our Editorial Board Review that meets monthly. Thank you for submitting your application for consideration. We are excited about your global supplier diversity success. Keep up the great work!

  • (Are you a current member of WEConnect International?)
  • Why do you want to be considered for a WEConnect International success story (2000 characters). Please include any links to websites or data that would be helpful to tell your story.
  • What does your company do? (300 characters)
  • What internal or external factors have you overcome to move your global supplier diversity efforts forward? (500 characters)
  • How has COVID-19 influenced your efforts towards global supplier efforts? (500 characters)
  • How has WEConnect International helped you with your global supplier diversity efforts? (1000 characters)
  • What actions do you plan on taking in 2022 to further your global supplier diversity efforts?
  • Please enter a valid email address. We will use this to contact you directly. Please make sure you check your spam folder.
  • What is your primary website URL?
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