December 9, 2016


WEConnect International corporate member Sodexo has earned a 100% grade for the 9th straight year on HRC Foundation’s 15th annual scorecard and recognition as a “Best Place to Work for LGBT Equality.”

“Among its industry-leading efforts, Sodexo provides equivalent spousal and same-sex partner benefits, offers medical coverage for gender affirmation surgery and recognizes sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in its Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. The company also sponsors an LGBT employee business resource group and actively engages LGBT-certified vendors as part of its supplier diversity program. In addition, Sodexo continues to develop its managers to be more inclusive through innovative, award-winning resources like the LGBT Conversation Guide, its Diversity Learning Lab on “Understanding the T in LGBT,” and training regarding its transgender guidelines.”

“Even in the face of relentless attempts to undermine equality, America’s leading companies and law firms remain steadfast and committed to supporting and defending the rights and dignity of LGBTQ people,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The unprecedented expansion of inclusive workplaces across the country and around the globe not only reflects our progress, it helps drive it.  As we enter a new chapter in our fight for equality, support from the business community will be more critical than ever to protect our historic advancements over the last decade and to continue to push equality forward for workers, customers, and families around the world.”

Read the Press Release.